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Gypsum, Pelletized Natural Mined Calcium Sulfate Soil Conditioner, 24% Calcium

  • Product Code:F;Gypsum

Gypsum is typically used to reduce help flush salts from the soil or to provide a high level of beneficial calcium to the soil without altering the soil pH.More Details





PRO SIZE 50 lb bag PRO Size SGN 200 Granules
Price: $25.46 
PRO SIZE 50 lb bag (pallet of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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PRO SIZE 50 lb bag (2-3 pallets of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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PRO SIZE 50 lb bag (4+ pallets of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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MINI SIZE 50 lb bag (pallet of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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MINI SIZE 50 lb bag (2-3 pallets of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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MINI SIZE 50 lb bag (4+ pallets of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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Gypsum is typically used to reduce help flush salts from the soil or to provide a high level of beneficial calcium to the soil without altering the soil pH.
For normal applications apply 10-20 pounds per 1000 square feet. For severe compaction or salinity situations you may apply up to 50 pounds per 1000 square feet.

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