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Potassium Sulfate (0-0-50-17S) Organic Soluble Powder

  • Product Code:F;SOP ORG POWDER

Potassium Sulfate is a natural mineral containing 52 percent soluble potash and 18 percent sulfur; it also contains trace amounts of calcium and magnesium. Crops can use as much as 250# of Potassium Sulfate per acre per year, making Potassium first runner up in abundance needed for plants to thrive. You can apply it as a supplement or other natural blended materials to aid in soil deficiencies. If you are also looking to add magnesium, check out Sulfate of Potash, Magnesia.More Details





50 lb bag To change the quantity of a delivered price item, add it to the cart first and then update the quantity on the next screen.
Price: $51.32 
50 lb bag (pallet of 56) Professional Accounts Only
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Potassium sulfate is commonly used to supply plant available potassium to the soil when the already current potassium in the soil is currently bound by other elements and is not currently available for plants to use.
Potassium has been linked with many important plant processes and any deficiency in this nutrient will dramatically hurt the plants ability to grow properly.
Potassium sulfate powder is 100% water soluble and should be mixed with warm water to dissolve the product faster. Hot water will increase the solubility of this product, and decrease the mixing time required to dissolve the product.

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