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Sequest 10-0-5 Deep-Greening Extended-Release Organic Fertilizer with Soluble Humate

  • Product Code:F;OA 10-0-5

Organic Approach 10-0-5 is a high-end homogenously granulated organic fertilizer blended with 5% SOLUBLE humate (not raw Leonardite). It is an exceptional turf fertilizer that provides both quick greening (even in cooler spring months) and extended greening with a deep emerald green hue in the lawn.More Details





15 lb box
Price: $34.38 
15 lb box
Price: $34.38 
45 lb bag
Price: $50.19 
45 lb bag (1-2 pallets of 45) Professional Accounts Only
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45 lb bag (3-4 pallets of 45) Professional Accounts Only
Please click here to create a professional account.
45 lb bag (5-8 pallets of 45) Professional Accounts Only
Please click here to create a professional account.
45 lb bag (9+ pallets of 45) Professional Accounts Only
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Organic Approach 10-0-5 is the only homogenous fertilizer on the market to contain natural nitrate of soda and 5% SOLUBLE humate (not raw Leonardite). Natural nitrate of soda and soluble humate have a very unique synergistic relation ship; the humic acids sequester the nitrate from leaching or volatizing, but allow the plant to utilize the nitrogen as it needs it. The effect is the fertilizer acts as both a quick release nitrogen for immediate greening and an extended release nitrogen for sustained greening. At the same time, the combination provides a unique deep blue-green hue to turf that no other combination can achieve.
All Organic Approach fertilizers are manure-free and have no offensive odors. Although designed for professional use, these materials are completely safe and easy to apply for homeowners who want to treat their own properties.
For most uses, the designed application rate is 7.5 pounds per 1000 square feet. However, during hot/humid summer conditions it should be used at 5lbs per 1000 square feet and during the late fall or early winter months it can be safely used up 10lbs per 1000 square feet if desired.
This product contains 52% water insoluble nitrogen.

SDS Sheet: This product is not considered to be or to contain hazardous chemicals based on evaluations made by our company under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.

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